The Sea Remembers What Men Forget

The Sea Remembers What Men ForgetThe sea whispered secrets that only those born of salt and scale could truly comprehend. Lyra had always been one of them, though unlike her kin who swam the deep trenches of the Abyssal Realm, she found herself drawn to the boundary where two worlds met in violent, foaming collision.

The surface.

Seventeen summers had passed since her birth in the coral nurseries of the Cerulean Court. Seventeen cycles of watching her people retreat further into the darkening depths as the humans above multiplied like spawn, their wooden vessels growing larger, more numerous, more hungry for what lay beneath.

Lyra’s silver-blue tail cut through the water with practiced precision as she ascended, ignoring the warnings that echoed in her mind. The elders spoke of a time when merfolk and humans had shared the bounty of the sea, but those days were long drowned in blood and betrayal. Now, her kind kept to the shadows, emerging only to sink the occasional ship that ventured too far into sacred waters.

The surface broke above her, a shimmering membrane between worlds. Lyra breached it, her gills sealing as lungs expanded to draw in the strange, thin air. The night sky sprawled overhead, a tapestry of lights that no coral illumination could match. The stars had been her first temptation, her first taste of forbidden knowledge. Now they were her confidants in rebellion.

Along the distant shoreline, a kingdom of stone and timber rose from the land. Torches flickered like fallen stars, marking the human settlement of Cairnhaven. Their ships rested at wooden docks, creaking softly against their moorings—vessels that by day hunted her kind with barbed spears and weighted nets.

Lyra’s webbed fingers brushed the obsidian pendant hanging at her throat—the scale of an ancient leviathan, polished and carved with symbols no human tongue could pronounce. It was her mother’s final gift before the harpoons came, before Lyra watched from beneath a veil of crimson as human hands dragged her mother’s still-thrashing form aboard their vessel.

“I will unmake them,” she whispered to the night. “Not with teeth or claw, but with their own desires.”

For Lyra possessed what few of her kind did—a voice that could twist between worlds, a song that did not merely enchant, but enslaved. The elders called it the Siren’s Curse, a mutation to be feared and contained. They had tried to bind her vocal cords with ritual kelp and the bone-magic of deep creatures when she was but a child. They had failed.

The tide was turning. The first fingers of dawn stretched across the horizon, and with them came the sound of movement from the harbor. Lyra slipped beneath the waves, her tail propelling her toward the largest ship—a three-masted behemoth called the *Sovereign’s Pride*, captained by a man whose name was whispered with venom among her people: Harrick Blackthorn.

The man who had commanded the raid that took her mother.

The man whose blood would feed the coral gardens before the next full moon.

Lord Commander Harrick Blackthorn stood at the bow of the *Sovereign’s Pride*, his weathered hands gripping the polished railing as the first light of dawn painted the eastern sky. Twenty-three years at sea had carved deep lines into his face, matching the scars that crisscrossed his body beneath the fine admiral’s coat he wore.

“The fleet reports ready, my lord,” came the voice of his first mate, Thorne. The man was young but capable, risen quickly through the ranks after demonstrating uncommon courage during an encounter with what the common sailors called sea demons.

Merfolk. The very thought made Blackthorn’s grip tighten until his knuckles whitened.

“Very good,” he replied, not turning. “We sail with the tide.”

King Aldric’s orders had been clear. The coastal villages had reported increased attacks on fishing vessels, with entire crews vanishing into the depths. The royal coffers grew lean without the sea’s bounty, and the people grew restless with empty stomachs. The crown had commissioned a new weapon—a network of enchanted chains forged by the royal artificers, designed to trap and hold creatures of magic.

Today they would deploy the first such net in the Widow’s Gulf, where the attacks had been most concentrated.

Blackthorn had not shared with his king the true reason he hunted the sea-folk with such fervor. How could he explain that twenty years ago, on a routine patrol, he had seen a woman of unearthly beauty singing on a rocky outcropping? How her eyes had captured him, how he had nearly driven his first command—a small sloop—onto the rocks before his first mate knocked him unconscious?

When he awoke, seven of his twenty-man crew had vanished overboard, their bodies never recovered. The creature—mermaid, siren, whatever name humans gave to such horrors—had fled, but not before Blackthorn caught a glimpse of her retreating form, human torso giving way to the powerful tail of a predator.

He had dedicated his life to hunting them since. The incident with the female they’d captured some years back had only hardened his resolve. The creature had nearly bewitched half his crew before he’d driven a harpoon through her heart himself. The look in her eyes as she died—not fear or pain, but a cold promise of retribution—still haunted his dreams.

“Captain,” Thorne called again, interruption his thoughts. “There’s something in the water.”

Blackthorn turned sharply. “Man the harpoons. Alert the artifice master to prepare the chains.”

But even as the crew scrambled to their stations, Blackthorn felt an unnatural stillness settle over the ship. The wind died. The waves calmed to glass. And from the water came a sound—a single, perfect note that seemed to resonate within his very bones.

Lyra’s song began as a whisper, a thread of melody woven through water and air. She circled beneath the great ship, her voice carrying the ancient power that had once made even the kraken pause in their destructive wanderings. The humans would call it magic, but to her kind, it was simply the way of things—some were born to hunt with fang, others with voice.

She felt the ship go still above her, sensed the men frozen at their posts as her song took hold. Not all would fall under her spell—there were always some whose minds remained their own, especially those who had encountered her kind before. But she needed only enough to sow chaos.

Lyra’s head broke the surface beside the vessel’s hull. With practiced ease, she grasped the barnacle-encrusted wood and began to climb, her powerful tail propelling her upward until she could grasp the lowest rung of a rope ladder hanging from the side.

The transformation was excruciating, as it always was. Her silver-blue scales seemed to melt, splitting down the center as flesh and bone rearranged themselves. Her gills sealed completely, leaving only smooth skin where they had been. Where once a powerful tail propelled her through ocean currents, two pale human legs now emerged, trembling with the effort of the change.

She bit back a scream, tasting blood where her sharper teeth had cut into her now-softer lips. The price of walking among them. The price of vengeance.

When the pain subsided, Lyra pulled herself up the ladder, naked save for the obsidian pendant and the various shells and bones woven into her long, sea-green hair. The deck was chaos—half the men stood swaying in place, eyes unfocused as her song held them captive. The others shouted orders, slapped their enchanted comrades, or readied weapons against an enemy they couldn’t see.

At the bow stood a tall figure in an ornate coat, untouched by her spell but rigid with recognition. Even after all these years, she knew him instantly. The same cold eyes, the same cruel mouth that had ordered the harpoon thrust that took her mother.

Harrick Blackthorn.

Their eyes met across the deck, and in that moment, both predator and prey recognized one another for what they truly were.

“You,” he breathed, his hand moving to the sword at his hip.

Lyra smiled, revealing teeth that remained just a little too sharp even in human form. “Me,” she agreed, and opened her mouth to sing again.

The chaos aboard the *Sovereign’s Pride* spread like wildfire. Men turned on men, bewitched sailors grappling with those still in possession of their faculties. Blackthorn had clamped his hands over his ears at the first note of the creature’s renewed song, but even so, he felt its pull—a yearning to drop his defenses, to approach the unearthly beauty who stood naked and unashamed on his deck.

“Thorne!” he shouted to his first mate, who had stuffed wads of cloth in his ears. “The chains!”

The younger man nodded grimly, fighting his way across the deck toward the sealed crate where the artifice master had stored the enchanted restraints. Three sailors blocked his path, their eyes glazed and movements puppet-like as they drew their cutlasses.

Blackthorn drew his own blade, never taking his eyes off the sea-witch. She was younger than the one he’d killed years ago, but the resemblance was striking—the same high cheekbones, the same otherworldly grace even on unfamiliar legs.

“Have you come to avenge your kind, demon?” he called to her, circling slowly to position himself between her and his struggling first mate.

The creature paused her song, head tilting with unnatural fluidity. “I’ve come for you, Harrick Blackthorn. Do you not remember? The female your men dragged aboard, bleeding and screaming? The one whose heart you pierced while your men cheered?”

A cold weight settled in Blackthorn’s stomach. “Your mother,” he realized aloud.

Her smile was terrible to behold. “My mother,” she agreed. “Who had never harmed a human in all her days. Who sang only to guide lost ships away from the reef that would have claimed them. Who believed your kind could share this world with ours.”

“Your kind lure men to their deaths,” Blackthorn spat. “You feed on our flesh and souls.”

“Some do,” she conceded, taking a step toward him. Her movements were awkward, unpracticed—she had not worn this human form often. “Just as some humans hunt us for sport and trinkets. The sins of a few become the judgment of all.”

Behind her, Thorne had reached the crate, fumbling with the complex lock mechanism. Blackthorn needed only to keep her attention a moment longer.

“What is your name, sea-witch?” he asked, his sword still raised between them.

Something flickered across her features—surprise, perhaps, that he would ask. “I am Lyra of the Cerulean Court, daughter of Maerellia the Wayfinder.” Her voice carried the same melodic quality even when not enchanting, like distant chimes caught on the wind.

“Well, Lyra of the Cerulean Court,” Blackthorn said, a grim smile forming beneath his salt-and-pepper beard, “you have made a grave mistake coming aboard my ship.”

With a shout, Thorne lunged forward, the glittering silver-blue chain unfurling from his hands like a striking serpent. It wrapped around Lyra’s ankle, and immediately her inhuman composure shattered. She screamed—a sound so piercing and raw that even the men with covered ears staggered back. Where the enchanted metal touched her skin, it sizzled and smoked.

“Iron blessed by the seven temples,” Blackthorn explained, advancing as she fell to her knees. “Quenched in the blood of your kind. You’re not the first to seek revenge upon me, sea-witch, nor will you be the last.”

Lyra’s eyes, the color of tropical shallows, fixed on him with unbridled hatred. “You know nothing of what you’ve begun,” she hissed through clenched teeth. “The depths have patience humans cannot fathom. What sleeps below is stirring because of men like you.”

Thorne approached with more chains, but Blackthorn raised a hand to halt him. “Speak plainly, creature. What sleeps below?”

Lyra laughed then, a sound like waves breaking against jagged stone. “The ancient ones. The first children of the sea. My people are but pale reflections of their glory and terrible hunger.” Her eyes seemed to change, the pupils elongating into vertical slits. “Did you think we were the predators, Blackthorn? We are merely the shepherds, keeping the balance that prevents your kind from drawing *their* attention.”

A chill ran down Blackthorn’s spine that had nothing to do with the morning air. Before he could question her further, a tremendous impact rocked the ship, sending men tumbling across the deck. The enchanted chain around Lyra’s ankle loosened just enough.

With inhuman speed, she lunged forward not away from Blackthorn as expected, but toward him. Her still-too-sharp teeth sank into his forearm as he raised it defensively. He roared in pain, bringing the pommel of his sword down on her head with his free hand.

Lyra fell back, blood—his blood—staining her mouth. But she was smiling again as she rolled backward, toward the ship’s railing.

“The pact is sealed,” she whispered, touching her bloodied lips. “Blood freely given.”

The ship lurched again, more violently this time. From below came the sound of splintering wood as something massive struck the hull.

“What have you done?” Blackthorn demanded, advancing on her with his sword.

Lyra’s form was already changing, scales erupting across her lower body as her legs began to fuse. “I’ve awakened them,” she said simply. “With royal blood—yours, Captain. The line of Blackthorn that was ancient when humans first built ships. Did you not know? Your ancestors were ours before they crawled onto land and forgot their heritage.”

The revelation struck Blackthorn like a physical blow. Memories long suppressed surfaced—his grandmother’s warnings never to swim at night, his father’s unexplained affinity for the sea despite nearly drowning as a child, his own dreams of breathing water.

“You lie,” he whispered, but uncertainty had crept into his voice.

“The sea remembers what men forget,” Lyra replied. Her transformation was nearly complete now, her powerful tail returning as her skin took on an opalescent sheen. “You hunted your own cousins, Blackthorn. And now the depths will reclaim what belongs to them.”

With a final heave, she vaulted over the railing, her body arcing gracefully before disappearing beneath the waves with barely a splash.

The ship groaned around them, timbers cracking as something—many somethings—struck the hull repeatedly from below.

“Captain!” Thorne shouted, pointing to the horizon.

Where calm seas had surrounded them moments before, now a ring of churning water encircled the fleet. From beneath the surface came an eerie blue glow, spreading outward like veins of light through the water.

And in that moment, Harrick Blackthorn knew with terrible certainty that he had been fighting the wrong enemy all along.

The war began that day—not with banners or declarations, but with blood in the water and ancient powers stirring from slumber. Lyra watched from a safe distance as the first of the Old Ones rose from the deep trench beyond the Widow’s Gulf, its phosphorescent bulk dwarfing the human vessels that now frantically tried to flee.

Tentacles the size of ancient trees breached the surface, wrapping around the *Sovereign’s Pride* with deliberate slowness. The ship’s hull compressed, wood screaming in protest before giving way with a thunderous crack. Men poured into the water like ants from a broken hill.

Among them was Blackthorn, struggling against the current, his wounded arm leaving a trail of blood that called to everything hungry within the deep. Lyra swam toward him, her tail powerful enough to reach him before the scavengers could.

Their eyes met as she surfaced beside him. Around them, the sea boiled with activity as more ancient creatures answered the summons. The rest of the fleet was already scattering, some ships already listing or burning from attacks below.

“Why?” he gasped, struggling to stay afloat as waves tossed him about. “If what you say is true—if we share blood—why this?”

Lyra’s webbed hand closed around his wrist, not to save but to hold him in place. “Because choices matter more than blood,” she replied. “You chose cruelty when you could have chosen understanding. The sea gave you chance after chance to remember your heritage.”

A massive shadow passed beneath them, something so large that Blackthorn’s eyes widened in primal fear.

“What happens now?” he asked, no longer the commanding officer but a man facing forces beyond his comprehension.

Lyra’s expression softened fractionally. “Now you come home, cousin. The sea reclaims its children in the end, willing or not. But first, you must help undo the damage you’ve wrought.”


“The king plans more chains, more weapons against my kind. You will return to him, transformed by what you’ve witnessed today. You will become our voice in his court.”

Blackthorn laughed bitterly, salt water spraying from his lips. “You expect me to betray my king? My species?”

“I expect you to save both,” Lyra countered. “What awakens now cannot be returned to slumber easily. The Old Ones hunger after centuries of confinement. Only a truce between surface and depths can prevent what comes next.”

She placed her hand on his chest, directly over his heart. “You have sea-blood, diluted though it may be. Enough for this.”

Before he could question further, Lyra pressed her lips to his—not in passion but in ritual. The taste of his blood mingled with hers, the magic of her kind flowing between them. Blackthorn convulsed in her grip, his body rigid as ancient genetics long dormant awakened under her influence.

His scream turned to bubbles as Lyra pulled him beneath the waves. Where his legs had been, scales began to form—not the brilliant silver-blue of her people, but a muted gray-green that spoke of his mixed heritage. His fingers elongated, webs forming between them. Gills split the skin at his neck, fluttering as they drew oxygen from the water for the first time.

When the transformation was complete, Harrick Blackthorn stared at his changed body in mute horror and fascination. Around them, the sea continued to churn with the movement of ancient leviathans answering the call of awakening.

“The change is temporary,” Lyra told him, her voice clear underwater in a way human ears could never perceive on the surface. “Three days beneath the waves, enough to show you the realms you’ve helped endanger. Then you return to your king with a warning and an offer of peace.”

Blackthorn’s newly-formed gills fluttered as he processed her words. “And if I refuse?”

Lyra’s expression hardened. “Then the Old Ones feed until nothing with a heartbeat remains in these waters. They care not whether the flesh they consume walks on land or swims the deep.”

She gestured to where the massive shapes continued to circle, some now pursuing the fleeing remnants of the fleet. “This is but the smallest taste of what comes. Choose, Harrick Blackthorn. Be the bridge between worlds, or watch both burn.”

And thus began a new chapter in the ancient conflict between land and sea—one that would see a reluctant admiral transformed into something neither fully human nor merfolk, caught between warring worlds he now straddled uncomfortably. The fate of kingdoms both above and below the waves would rest on his choices in the days to come.

For Lyra had spoken true about one thing above all: the sea remembers what men forget, and its patience is as vast as its depths.

Author: Opney. Illustrator: Stab. Publisher: Cyber.